Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Upcoming trip to Science North - Friday, June 23rd

Upcoming Class Trip to Science North!
Friday, June 23, 2017
7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. (approx.)

File:Science North (5477288268).jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Dear Parents and Guardians:

 We are excited about our upcoming class trip to Science North in Sudbury!  We will be leaving HPS at 7:00 a.m. next Friday, June 23rd and plan to return to the school by approximately 7:00 p.m. the same day.  Once at Science North, we will be participating in two “hands-on” Science workshops, one that focuses on electricity and one that focuses on animal adaptations.  Both workshops will be en français with French-speaking leaders.  :)  There will also be time to visit the other areas of the museum, including the special exhibit on inventions and the museum store.  
 Please send your child with a bag lunch and money for supper (and potentially to buy something at the museum store).  We will be stopping at the Tim Horton’s/Licks/Dairy Queen/Orange Julius for supper on the way home.
 We welcome parent/guardian/grandparent volunteers on our trip.  It is great to be able to have small groups of student supervised by adults at the museum.  Please let me know as soon as possible if you are interested and available to attend by e-mailing me at or by writing a note in your child’s agenda.  We have accounted for eight parent volunteers on our trip.
 The cost of the trip is $50, which includes the cost of the bus (which, in itself is almost $1000), admission to the museum and two workshops.  Sales of our fundraiser HPS buffs were low by students in our classroom, so I was unable to significantly reduce the price of the trip.  (That being said, if there was a sudden surge in HPS buff sales by the class, which are still available for $15 each, I could make a last-minute price reduction.)  That being said, we would never want price to interfere with your child’s ability to participate in this experience.  If cost is an issue, please let me know and we will support you from the school end of things. Paying for the trip in installments is not a problem either.
 Let me know if you have any questions and thank you for all of your support of our child’s learning this year.

Mme Lindsay

P.S.  If you are willing and able to support another child’s participation in this experience, donations are welcome.


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